Hiring the Right Dental Hygienist


Hiring for the Vision:

Every office will go through a team member change at some time or another. Hiring the right team member is a challenging process. Hiring the wrong team member is expensive, disruptive to the work environment, and time consuming. Hiring the right team member, on the other hand, increases employee productivity, a successful employment relationship, and a positive impact on the total work environment. When a team member leaves it can feel like a void, but it really is an opportunity in disguise. Hiring the right team member enhances the work culture and promotes high team morale, positive forward thinking planning, and accomplishing challenging goals. One of the hardest things to do is to be patient. Just as every team is unique so is the individual that you hire.

Although this is not a complete guide these are some things to consider:

A new hire should be hired for the vision, not just the position. If you do not have a practice vision a new hire will have a challenging time integrating into that culture. A practice direction that is vague and unclear to where it is going and what the practice is trying to achieve will not engage a new team member very well. When a clear path is set the course of achievement can be measured and success can be shared and celebrated.

A clear job description developed with the entire teams input is important for the hiring process to be productive and successful. Develop a list of qualifications, skills, experience, and characteristics necessary for each position in the practice to help hire the best candidate with the right qualifications for the practice. Determine who your ideal candidate is. Are they friendly and outgoing, have the necessary credentials, do they have the training in the equipment you have in the practice and what style of communication do they bring to the practice and team.

What behavior style are you looking for in a candidate. Behaviors can be evaluated during the interview process to assess mindset, communication styles, ability to establish trust, accountability and leadership characteristics. Assessments tools like the Meyers Briggs, Disc, Kolbee and Simmons Personality test examine the behaviors individuals bring to the job and the forces that drive them. It also provides insight into a candidate’s interpersonal skills and preferences. These insights help determine if there is a solid match between the candidate’s abilities, the requirements of the immediate position, and the roles in the practice culture.

Whether you are replacing an entire team or adding one vital team member, finding the right person for your practice is critical to the long-term success in improving your office culture, creating accountability, creating optimal practice harmony, elevating standards of care and reaching your practice vision.