Team Building Exercise #51

The Marshmallow Challenge: This exercise explores team collaboration, facilitation, innovation and hidden assumptions that challenge or prevent success. It applies our best thinking, feeling and doing to the challenge at hand.

Researchers find that innovation happens when different mindsets and skills collide. Foster a culture where assumptions are challenged and creativity and curiosity support collaboration.

Use 20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti, 1 marshmallow, 1 yard of tape and 1 yard of string. Break into even groups.

Build the tallest freestanding structure.
Measure structure from tabletop to top of marshmallow.
Marshmallow must be at the top of the structure.
Spaghetti, tape and sting may be cut.
Allow 18 min. for exercise.

Compare the results of the teams: Who did best? Why? What helped? What hindered? Were there any false assumptions?

Exercise # 51: Take the Marshmallow Challenge.