Team Building Exercise #53

We all have challenges in our lives and in dentistry. Most of these require change and most importantly transformation. What is the difference between change and transformation? Change uses external influences to modify actions and achieve desired results.Transformation uses internal influences to modify our values and beliefs so actions become more authentic and sustainable. Unlike…

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Team Building Exercise #52

A quick exercise that you could do as an individual or a team to bring more clarity of your role in organizational/practice change or conflict. Before you begin the next challenge or task, do the following:Ask how would we act out our role if we were only focused on our needs?Then ask:How would we respond…

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Team Building Exercise #51

The Marshmallow Challenge: This exercise explores team collaboration, facilitation, innovation and hidden assumptions that challenge or prevent success. It applies our best thinking, feeling and doing to the challenge at hand. Researchers find that innovation happens when different mindsets and skills collide. Foster a culture where assumptions are challenged and creativity and curiosity support collaboration.…

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Team Building Exercise #50

“Vision without action is merely a dream without action.” Joel Barker Designing an Action Board with your team helps to create clarity on the practice vision by identifying practice intentions and what actions make the dream attainable.This exercise helps identify:What we value?What do we need?What do we want? How to create an Action Board: Gather…

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Team Building Exercise #49

Do you find it difficult to get everyone together and present in order to be productive at a team meeting or even for a morning huddle? Most team members are physically there but not truly present. To help become more present – try this exercise to create purposeful pause time: Provide a blank piece of…

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Team Building Exercise #48

This exercise requires vulnerability from the team member sharing their experience and safety from the team in embracing the story without judgement. Talk openly with your team about a mistake you made in the practice. Talk about what went into your decisions and where you went wrong. Celebrate stories and growth with respect. Exercise #…

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Team Building Exercise #47

Finish these sentences:I can’t…….I don’t…….I won’t…… Now cross out can’t, don’t and won’t. Read those statements again. Describe how life would be different if they were true? For one week live as if they are true. Today is the day to begin to release your limitations. Exercise # 47: Take out can’t, don’t and won’t…

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Team Building Exercise #46

Collect 5-10 pictures of people with different facial expressions from magazines or newspaper articles. Show each image to your team members and have them write down the mood of that person in the picture without consulting with other team members. Share your answers and discuss. This exercise shows us how we sometimes jump to conclusions,…

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Team Building Exercise #45

Pair up team members. Have one team member tell the other about a typical work day. The listener can only ask for more details. Reverse roles. This exercise helps others on the team to gain perspective and empathy for each other’s roles and the challenges they face. This can also help explore how you are…

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Team Building Exercise #44

Pair up team members. Have one person talk about whatever they like for two minutes without stopping, but without using the word “I”. The listener remains silent. Reverse roles. This exercise helps to show how much talk is self-centered. Exercise # 44: Talk for two minutes without using the word “I”.

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